You can help me turn the tide of anti-convert sentiment by contributing to my GoFundMe campaign to produce my new song, “The Convert’s Quest,” with my award-winning band, Iraqis in Pajamas. Lyrics below.
If you’re touched by the lyrics, listen to the song and join the campaign at
לך לך מארצך
ומבית אביך
The convert’s quest
The most gut-wrenching
Act of faith
All you know
All you love
All you are
To follow your soul
Your heart
No matter the cost
Leaving lands paradigms family community
To Become Who you are meant to Be
A Living quest of purity truth passion nobility
And vulnerable authenticity
Risking greatly
Amidst a world encouraging us to be
And play it safe
Go along with the crowd
But you have said NO
So that you can say yes
To the Gd of your understanding
Who shines brightly through
The Light of your Being
As a beacon for others
Staggering around in the darkness
Inspiring them
To follow their quest
Of their own souls
If they would just
Stop look and listen
To you
To Ruth
Mother of the משׁיח
Your Gd will be my Gd
Gd of the עברים
Those who cross over
Those on the convert’s quest
The Sarah and Abraham of our time
Stepping out on faith
Crossing the river Into uncertainty
Toward the Promised Land
נעשׂה ונשׁמע
The most Jewish Jews of all
If this song touches your heart, consider becoming a Patreon member for weekly soul-nourishing content of poems, spoken word performances, original journal entries, first stabs at new songs, and other patron-exclusive content. In addition to this weekly content, you’ll get 10%-40% off all products in my online store, and you’ll receive exclusive advance access to my releases, along with exclusive behind-the-scenes clips and access to works-in-progress. Patreon membership starts at $3/month, and you can cancel at any time.
Song and photo © by Loolwa Khazzoom. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be copied without author’s permission.