Kitchen Pirates: A Fast, Fun, and Flexible Approach to a Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Diet

Switching to a whole foods plant-based diet can feel overwhelming and frustrating, as well as restrictive and boring. Recipe books and cooking shows can be dogmatic, calling for time and ingredients you don’t have.

But Kitchen Pirates videos offer a fast, fun, and flexible approach to a whole foods plant-based diet, teaching building blocks and mix & match strategies that make you captain of your kitchen and turn your meal preparation into an adventure of creative self-expression and joyful discovery.

With a “Kitchen Pirates” $20 membership on Patreon, you’ll get early access to the 5-part video series, which will be releasing in December for $15/video. You’ll also get exclusive access to a Kitchen Pirates online community and interviews with wellness VIPs. 

I look forward to helping you achieve optimal health – and bring more joy into your life – with my Kitchen Pirates approach to a whole-foods, plant-based diet!


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